buzzing words: credit crunch What we're calling simply "crisis" (a word we use to refer both to global economic conditions to the gusts of bad results of a football team) in the United Kingdom is the credit crunch
(more or less literally "credit crash"). I do not know if this way of referring to this situation of lack of liquidity in the financial system was invented in the U.S. or British lands, but there is no doubt that it has taken root on this side of the Atlantic. During these months, this term does not drop them in the mouth (or pen, or finger clubbing the keyboard) to the British. I was in Bristol in late August and gave me the impression the feeling that there's concern about the economic situation is much more acute than in Spain. And no wonder, I myself noticed the bite of inflation, to return, as always, I wanted to book a taxi to the airport and was told that the price had risen from 18 to 23 pounds (so I decided to go by bus .) During all these years, inflation has been around two-something true, and recently hit a blast to be around 5% of CPI.
The accounts in the UK, in fact, has worsened considerably. Throughout the decade of the noughties
("of" ceroenta?) The British have touted with a more dynamic and prosperous than the old glories of Europe (France and Germany). Unfortunately, proved to be much more prone to reckless mortgage debacle and subsequent credit crunch and financial turmoil can be very damaging to a country where financial services reach nearly 10% of the economy.