Many were the stories that have been adapted to the big screen on the basis of serious armed conflict which took place in Iraq as hard retaliation for the attacks on U.S. soil back in September 11, 2001. Many films about the war have been going on with mixed fortunes at the box office, and also with different forms of narrative.
In recent years, in that sense we had a bit of everything and everyone, and that different films have been made about this conflict have shifted from entertainment to some, the tremendous and very conflicting reports of as many .
Paul Greengrass (one of the best directors Hollywood is holding at present) carried out in 2007 a very good film about the fateful episode of one of the four hijacked planes that terrible September 11, 2001. "Flight 93" meant a further demonstration (at the time), of expertise that this filmmaker has the time to create thrillers very interesting, both for its narrative content, as well as for its incredible quality to know how to create many moments of real tension on screen.
The script here was handled by the experienced screenwriter Brian Helgeland ("Mistyc River", "Man On Fire" and "Payback," among others), who gave an interesting and well structured narrative throughout the whole film. No unnecessary scenes and good dialogue that make the viewer fully permeates the story, "The City of Rain" takes us into the history of U.S. Army Captain Miller (played very good way by Matt Damon), who leads an elite panel The thorough search of those so called weapons of mass destruction.
Time passes, the locations surveyed contain absolutely nothing, and all roads seem to indicate that something is wrong.
For this reason, Miller will begin to question their own intelligence services, which will take you literally to investigate on their own (with help from a member of the CIA) on the reality that you are hiding. While the script of the film is a priori quite simple in its structure, it is worth noting that it is so very well told that there is little or nothing to challenge the script in general. Everything fits. Each dialogue, each situation and discovering that the film raises throughout his nearly two-hour narrated are almost perfect.
While it is correct to say that the script is one of the great successes of the film, directed by Paul Greengrass on the same has been simply spectacular. The camera moves such as the gods, is about the situations in a highly credible and scenes of war films in a manner so spectacular. In fact, the night sequences that develop on the end of the story (shot in digital) are superb quality and are substantially built, with excellent coverage plans and a nearly perfect camera placement. Shortly
and nothing to reproach to a great actor like Matt Damon. Comes from being directed by Greengrass in the final two installments of Bourne, and has a knowledge of the director who probably helped him greatly to play the role of Captain Miller in this film. Sober as always, Damon is annotated with more than one correct action in every way and throughout the story.
Ultimately, "The City of Rain" is a truly awesome movie. A very good story, a very good story, an excellent film and a harsh critique of U.S. foreign policy are, in so many other things, the excellence of this film. Another massive success of this great director named Paul Greengrass.
Movie Rating: Excellent.
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