The other day I came across a letter of acceptance of the UNED. After a two-paragraph report of registration deadlines and procedures, concluded with the following paragraph:
against this resolution, which exhausts administrative action may be brought may optionally reset to the Chancellor within one month, or administrative appeal before the Central Court of Administrative Disputes within two months (...).What? Raise your hand if you have understood a word. I am sure that at least nine of every ten people who read this text does not have any idea what you mean. I'm talking about an issue that I mentioned in passing in one of my recent entries : the incomprehensible language usually employed by public agencies to communicate with the public. Very often, the information available to the public in brochures or on the Internet often copiapega simple legislation. There is no effort to express in a manner accessible to all audiences, and I'm sure this is particularly harmful to those with lower educational level or just come out and have not yet mastered our language.
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