Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Computer Screen Turning Green

more drinks, a glass

Nothing, it seems that the poor run of Cristina Aguilera, continues to rise and this time, not accidental things, if not for their own bat, which is translated to be "because it leaves the ovaries ".

This time, there has been a collapse on stage, or mistakes in the lyrics of American song, or that Cher will take all the credit for Burlesque, where she was splendid, they are things that occur suddenly and against which you can not fight, but now I could have been avoided, with the bottle has been released, because the alcohol has caught up to the eyebrows, which we had drunk the water in the vases.

Although also here, spoke of bad luck because her boyfriend was arrested, Mattehw Rutler, driving under the influence of alcohol and bounce to it, was taken to police station, where left in a cell until he passed the "cogorza" because he was so drink that was almost unconscious, while the arrested to see that in that state could not take care of itself, is that this "care himself "the U.S. are looked at, and a few drinks too many, in this case almost a distillery but you incapacitate. Of course, to say everything, we must also say that was not very skilled, and that did not have standing, he was semiconscious and could not remember his address.

The funny thing is that if your loved one, had not been arrested, nobody would have heard, that Cristina, had a few drinks over and everything had settled, in private, suffering in silence, or give him wins, the hangover.

if you end up not going to be, that Cristina is a "bad luck" of those that you take a gypsy, which does not buy the sprig of rosemary in any corner, and less "Bonica, calls you all."

Today I recommend visiting "Richard Pelaez and Sentires Blog." Do not forget to visit

"I love snow" is what tells us the character of today, and you should not miss in Abacus Colors.



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