Ah, yes. Revenge movies. Films that all kind of research that to satisfy the pain of his characters, who in search of truth become real killing machines so to bring us to the bloody and terrible reality, and by the way, can entertain for about two hours in our seats. Not that this kind of films I like, no. This type of films I love! I must admit, we're going to do.
And so were my life through different film tapes of this kind that are within my favorites. Just to name a few, should highlight the undisputed jewel of the movie meant to me the film "Burning Man" ("Man On Fire") which in addition to technical and performing an item impecabale was a film header (at least for me) on how to tell a relationship between two of its main characters (we're talking about two monsters of performance as Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning). Proceeds from that and as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, "Man on Fire" proved to be a spectacular film, where Tony Scott showed us all his quality as a director, though in truth is a filmmaker who unfortunately offering ends, too my regret, in dropper.
and to enter into the new film from Mel Gibson always recognized, we must clarify a couple of key points. First and foremost for my taste. The film ends up being entertaining but with a serious fault. Could and should have been much better than it ultimately ended up being.
On the one hand, we have a not so well-told tale of revenge at the hands of Mel Gibson, who will track after track trying to decipher a complicated plot that will take you to the limits of the imagined, and on the other hand, the same conspiracy the writers inserted into the script for the film give it another go, end up being interesting for the film, but I see not too well resolved. In short, "Edge of Darkness" has a script with many ups and downs, as almost the entire film. In many instances and loosens up enough in others.
The person responsible for saving almost total wreck tape has a name. Mr. Martin Campbell (director of the impeccable "Casino Royale" and the phenomenal "Vertical Limit"), provides several points of action that pay for themselves the viewing of the film. A melee fight, shoot very well resolved and some other car chases high quality, give the film the flight needed to make at least an entertaining film product. Well by Martin Campbell in this case, at least in the technical areas of the film.
who fails in this film, and enough with his performance, is Mr. Mel Gibson. If I had to say, almost without hesitation, that Gibson is working here with the autopilot, I think that would be telling the truth. Those who see the film, I will feel the same feeling I had I to see her perform. Mel never felt comfortable with his role, and most of his interventions are felt really forced. Quite the opposite can be said of Ray Winstone, who with his charisma saves a lot of scenes from the film, and who has undoubtedly been by far the best acting cast of the film. Hard
definitely recommend this tape. It's entertaining and one can no doubt (I've done it) hang out with his vision, but at the same time we must recognize it has a few flaws of plot and acting that have made this proposal is too simple and spend. A pity, because there were material to achieve something much more elaborate in every way.
Movie Rating: Good. Read
Critical Edge of Darkness in Muchocine.net
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