The use of handheld camera is a technique that has revolutionized the film world in recent times. This technique, in my view, it has unfortunately divided the waters between love and hate almost equally. There are many spectators, among whom I include myself, we believe that this is a very valid application if it is well used, it can give some really spectacular (as long as their use is not too repetitive to cause a distaste unbearable in the viewer). Another portion of the people, however, prefer flat without too much longer and shivering, so no doubt end up escaping any Michael Bay film and Co.
Perhaps Paul Greengrass has created a new way to manage and frantically moving the camera dramatically. His movies are a luxury in the technical, as I found with the second and third installment of the Bourne saga and many other recommended films such as "Flight 93" and "Bloody Sunday."
But go deeper into the film comment on the blog today, English directors Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza, gave us back in 2007, a damn good thriller and horror entitled "Rec", which recounted the hardships they had to pass a reporter for a television show on his tour the night, when she and her cameraman were locked with a small complement of firefighters in a building that bore a strange infection that made all living in a zombie every minute possible. With a narrative rather than correct, a very good technical section and an incredibly well-run thriller in its last 20 minutes, "Rec" became an entire box office success, which undoubtedly deserved worthy then you just get the hand of those directors of the original tape, but highly recommended some changes that make this sequel is to my mind infinitely superior to the original tape.
In "Rec 2" have, contrary to what had always imagined, substantial differences from the original tape. I'm not talking about the technical system of filming, no. In that sense the movie is filmed in the same manner that has been made in "Rec." However, it is a tremendous turnaround story that the script offers compared to its predecessor. May very well fall into some viewers, and perhaps less so in others, because what Balagueró and Plaza as proposed here opens many new avenues then, but none like or similar to what is showed that tape in 2007.
What does show in this film is a narrative with a good pulse and rhythm really spectacular (the hour and twenty-long help, and many), since different dialogues and situations are really very interesting film to follow. This also allows "Rec 2" is a highly recommendable film from beginning to end, as the various objections that one may have about this movie are completely missing when taking into account the real suspense is generated in many scenes of the film.
This suspense is provided largely by how well he manages here the use of a handheld camera. Scenes infighting, blood scattered absolutely everywhere, falling down stairs, shotgun wildly, and everything that any fan of this type of film can be expected. It is also worth to note that although the use of hand-held camera makes the same absolutely moving in all directions at all times, Balagueró and Plaza decided to show the most terrifying scenes and bloody with some extreme close-ups. In short, a very good direction for a more than worthy sequel film.
There is not much to add, at least on my part. Just say I spent a very pleasant viewing this perfect sequel it deserved such good original delivery which meant "Rec" back in 2007. Exceeded in all technical areas and narrative, "Rec 2" is a filmed entertainment guaranteed to all followers of such tapes.
Movie Rating: Very Good.
Read Review Rec 2 in Muchocine.net
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