Wednesday, August 20, 2008

San Diego Backyard Fruit Tress

When I lived in England my friends and family, in summer, I would ask, "When you take your vacation? ". The answer was complicated: usually take me a week in June to go to Madrid, about ten days in August or September maybe to go to travel somewhere else, and certainly had my days booked at Christmas, Easter and several bridges scattered throughout the year. Now, more than a vacation I had was days off, break short periods which distributed throughout the year as efficiently as possible.

This is first whole year in Spain and for the first time in my working life I'm living a vacation to the English capital with Vee. A little over 15 days are knowing glory. The first week I'm going to Madrid, waking up late and swallowing the Olympics as he had not done since I was a student, and tomorrow I'm going to England to spend the rest of the holiday there. I hope to collect new stories to tell in this blog, which is fairly inactive lately because of my recent move and work routines merciless English. See you in September.