Monday, November 24, 2008

Can Pre Teems See Lovely Bones

With these shoes do not spend

Still well in the English media that jumped news last week: a young man died after being beaten by a group of doormen after being fired from a trendy club. The social alarm generated has been great, and the Madrid authorities have offered a good example of what in English is often called a knee-jerk reaction , ie reflected hasty reaction (and therefore probably unthinking) City Hall have rushed to close a handful of local and the Community has announced that it will implement a regulation governing the operation of local porters.

If at the end really they do, it will be something to be welcomed. The Madrid club doormen have always seemed a collective unprofessional. I'm not into the scene, but the impression given is that local muscled buddy hire the owner, who has no clue how to treat people and is made on how to address situations.

As the reader will smell, this is one of those posts where a particular comment English and English faced with another. Unfortunately, the issue of local porters, England is ahead. There, the bouncers (as they are colloquially known) are much more frightening than in Spain: moles shaved at least a hundred grim KIOS always dressed in black, with a license from the Security Industry Authority hanging from his neck. But despite its appearance, are usually educated, often you open the door to enter and you are fired with a "good night" when you leave the premises. The times that I have seen some action to reduce disruptive effectiveness surprised me: in two seconds you have been immobilized with a wrench, in a little more and have pushed off the premises, without much affection, of course, but without violence unnecessary.

Once was dramatic: I was in a London club, when suddenly I saw two young men fall to the ground in a violent fistfight. The next moment was already presenting a security officer at the scene. Not intervene, but seemed to speak for the earpiece with peers. A few seconds later, they came: three or four wardrobes pushing through the crowd. They separated the kids, catching them in a twinkling as he takes sacks of potatoes, and in less than a rooster crows were gone to the dance floor. Since then, I have no idea of \u200b\u200byouth receiving treatment after being lashed by the masses of black.

makes sense that in England require their keepers to be more prepared: here the nightlife is much more violent than in Spain. In England, out at night I have always felt more insecure than in Spain. Not only is that people will much more drunk, somehow, the English when they drink are much more eager to quarrel, and one must be careful not to get into trouble. In Spain everyone goes much more relaxed and eager to simply have fun.

More information:
The young goalkeeper was beaten by a heart trap kicks (Country)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mg3 Airsoft Gun For Sale

Robert Peston Superstar

The financial meltdown of recent weeks has given birth to a new star in the UK: it is of Robert Peston, the editor of the Economics section the BBC. During those fateful days has been in the eye of the hurricane, telling the British people the complexities of the credit crunch , uncovering scoops (exclusive) as the merger between Lloyds and HBOS, and earning the admiration of professional colleagues ( example, example and example). Has acquired so much celebrity and influence to accuse him of provoking stock market falls with its reporting .

Its popularity is due not only to his talent as a journalist but his personal style on camera. Their gestures, their neckties, their accent and singing voice neglected her far enough from the simplicity and delicacy of expression common to other BBC journalists. Outside the UK, unfortunately, we can not see on screen but we have to settle with his excellent blog , but if you have really curious to see him in action at the BBC website you can see a handful of Video reports own (as it ).

More information:
Blog Robert Peston (BBC) , Puede bank on him (Independent) , Reporter Blamed for helping trigger shares fall (Daily Mail) , Our man in the Square Mile (The Guardian)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wedding Weekend Itinierary

buy gold

read yesterday that Gallardón, Mayor of Madrid, had filed a new legislation which will shortly be going to pursue the practice of ad men (as well as distributing pamphlets or other neon signs). The reason given is that they practice "degrading." The phrase in the ordinance is, I think "banning the use of people as an advertising medium." If it seems to also have to prohibit the equipments of the football players, including that of Real Madrid, who also advertise something as uplifting as a bookmaker.

Perhaps this is relevant to recent decision of the authorities of Westminster Council in London to ban sandwich boards, as they call it there. In this city, this custom has always been widespread. It already spoken on this blog a couple of years ( link), but it is worth rescuing this link suggested at the time: a report in the Guardian on announced men London's West End.

Links: Men
listing in London (Parquestrit)
The Board Guys of London's West End (The Guardian) / london/7553371.stm Spain

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Aluminum Boat Console Steering Kit

buzzing words: credit crunch

What we're calling simply "crisis" (a word we use to refer both to global economic conditions to the gusts of bad results of a football team) in the United Kingdom is the credit crunch (more or less literally "credit crash"). I do not know if this way of referring to this situation of lack of liquidity in the financial system was invented in the U.S. or British lands, but there is no doubt that it has taken root on this side of the Atlantic. During these months, this term does not drop them in the mouth (or pen, or finger clubbing the keyboard) to the British. I was in Bristol in late August and gave me the impression the feeling that there's concern about the economic situation is much more acute than in Spain. And no wonder, I myself noticed the bite of inflation, to return, as always, I wanted to book a taxi to the airport and was told that the price had risen from 18 to 23 pounds (so I decided to go by bus .) During all these years, inflation has been around two-something true, and recently hit a blast to be around 5% of CPI.

The accounts in the UK, in fact, has worsened considerably. Throughout the decade of the noughties ("of" ceroenta?) The British have touted with a more dynamic and prosperous than the old glories of Europe (France and Germany). Unfortunately, proved to be much more prone to reckless mortgage debacle and subsequent credit crunch and financial turmoil can be very damaging to a country where financial services reach nearly 10% of the economy.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

National Pressure Cooker Owners Manual

Bun in the oven! Finally broke

Di tells us in his blog what the experience of being pregnant in England .

Congratulations Di!

Mother in UK (Say yes)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pokemon Snap Emulator

"At the moment, is nothing more than a dance of numbers: 12% of the value of the home vanished in a single year by 71% fewer mortgages granted, number of lower purchases in the last 30 years less than EUR 15,000 million in bank loans, one of every seven homes in two years provided that worth less than the outstanding balance of the mortgage foreclosure increased by 24%, 45000 families at risk of losing your home.

These figures are fascinating. headlines appear on the covers of newspapers and television news headers. The house is our great and fundamental national obsession. to an end almost unique in the world - certainly in Europe - we each tick of the market with fascination. When he is in trouble, it's as if the soul of the nation was at stake

.(...) "With the help of successive governments, delighted that we felt rich, satisfied and likely to vote for them, and a campus of profit-hungry financial institutions embarked on a reckless lending spree, we have become mere well what should be a basic human right to have a roof over our heads "
These apocalyptic paragraphs I cite do not refer to Spain, but the United Kingdom. I have extracted from a report published in the Guardian a few days ago about the dire situation in the housing market in this country. The UK, along with Ireland and Spain seem to be the countries most harshly are feeling the real estate bubble burst.

2008.08 Bristol 168 I'm no expert in this field nor am I aware of the rainfall figures and statistics that continuously irrigated through the media, but to force the nature of the crisis must be different. In 2006, in full prosperity, the United Kingdom were built just 185,000 new homes. That same year, 865,561 in Spain endorsed them, and remember that the UK population is 40% higher than that of Spain.

This difference can be seen clearly to move to England. It is very rare to find on the outskirts of towns and cities, large areas of residential construction so common in Spain, where the crane is a permanent feature of the landscape. Of course, in England builds new apartment together, but are nearly always small developments of flats few dozen, usually within the village.

Generally, the authorities are reluctant to authorize the development of land on the outskirts of towns. Perhaps because they have no need to re-coup financed, or because of opposition from residents who fear that new developments do to lower the price of housing in the area. There is also the conviction that the growth of cities has to be contained. In fact, in England there are four legally defined green belts or green belts around the major towns (including London) where urban development is limited.

The housing shortage has done just that Gordon Brown announced in 2007 his claim that 240,000 dwellings were built annually in the coming years, a goal that the crisis very complicated to meet .

2008.08 Bristol 167 The picture, as you can see, is very different to Spain, where the leftovers are just kicking new homes. I think in the UK, be calm once the credit constraints, the housing market will pick up, for the simple fact that housing is a scarce commodity there. In Spain, with millions of unsold flats, I wonder if we will leave it so easily.

More information:
The Property Ladder (Parquestrit)

(The photos are of a new development of apartments large enough to have built in Bristol recently, so you can see an example of new housing in England).

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

San Diego Backyard Fruit Tress

When I lived in England my friends and family, in summer, I would ask, "When you take your vacation? ". The answer was complicated: usually take me a week in June to go to Madrid, about ten days in August or September maybe to go to travel somewhere else, and certainly had my days booked at Christmas, Easter and several bridges scattered throughout the year. Now, more than a vacation I had was days off, break short periods which distributed throughout the year as efficiently as possible.

This is first whole year in Spain and for the first time in my working life I'm living a vacation to the English capital with Vee. A little over 15 days are knowing glory. The first week I'm going to Madrid, waking up late and swallowing the Olympics as he had not done since I was a student, and tomorrow I'm going to England to spend the rest of the holiday there. I hope to collect new stories to tell in this blog, which is fairly inactive lately because of my recent move and work routines merciless English. See you in September.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

How To Remove Write Protect Flashdrive


The other day I came across a letter of acceptance of the UNED. After a two-paragraph report of registration deadlines and procedures, concluded with the following paragraph:

against this resolution, which exhausts administrative action may be brought may optionally reset to the Chancellor within one month, or administrative appeal before the Central Court of Administrative Disputes within two months (...).
What? Raise your hand if you have understood a word. I am sure that at least nine of every ten people who read this text does not have any idea what you mean. I'm talking about an issue that I mentioned in passing in one of my recent entries : the incomprehensible language usually employed by public agencies to communicate with the public. Very often, the information available to the public in brochures or on the Internet often copiapega simple legislation. There is no effort to express in a manner accessible to all audiences, and I'm sure this is particularly harmful to those with lower educational level or just come out and have not yet mastered our language.

In the United Kingdom is rarely the case. Of course, there are many places where English is used as far-fetched, but usually when a public or private organization speaks to you like that is reasonably understandable. In fact, in this country there is even an organization with very hearth which aims to promote plain language in communication with the public. It Plain is the Inglés Campaign, and a diamond logo appears in many forms and brochures public entities and private . On their website you can find a very interesting document that gives guidelines on how to write plain English. Many recommendations refer to the grammar or the peculiarities of this language, but most are extensible to other languages \u200b\u200blike English, write in short sentences, avoid passive voice, use the first and second person, etc..

More information:
Inglés Campaign Plain

Saturday, July 5, 2008

How To Get The Agency For Platypus Flossers

Clear as mud I'm still here! Biba

I have moved home. This involves going through a series of situations, such as having to stay one day to eat at the Ikea (those Swedish meatballs, ugh!), And of course the complete lack of free time, which is to be used to organize a little chaos now plaguing my new apartment.

If we join the lack of home Internet connection because of the incompetence of Telefónica, who two weeks after applying I have not yet managed to make the transfer online, it is clear that the conditions are not conducive to regularly posting to the blog.

My apologies to readers. Parquestrit return promise as soon as possible.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Did Midrin Make You Loopy?

i ment my second season

song chart memes do not need to spend much time living in England to realize that the spelling is not one of the strengths of the British. At work at once I saw that foreigners used to write more correct than natives. The errors observed were confused star ITS (possessive) and it's (contraction of it is ), and we'll with will. also cost them much to find the correct number of double consonants in certain words (such as accommodation or Occurrence), or know what voice is in certain unstressed syllables ( Ensure and insure ).

course, many of these difficulties we have had foreigners have had to learn English, but strangely my impression is that we often finish our English language studies with a very acceptable spelling, I would say even better than a Middle English. In our favor is, of course, that many English words of Latin origin are written in a similar way in our language.

For me, during the first months that my fluency with the language was quite unfortunate to see that my written language was more correct than the office mates around me was a source of comfort although with time-based read and write e-mails written in haste I was hitting many inaccuracies.

More information:
The 25 Most Common misspelled words (test)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Cinderella Hair Extensions Sale

hortografía That Mitchell & Webb Look

A little later I learned that the BBC has issued a couple of months second season of "That Mitchell & Webb Look ". these great comedians I spoke last year at this blog , and I take this opportunity to again strongly recommend (a person having good English listening, I'm afraid). In the new season can be seen as funny sketches like this (very topical now that we're in the Championship).

Another really good thing is also that other that morbid parody of Channel Five documentary.

available on YouTube many sketches of Mitchell & Webb. The full episodes are available on DVD, and on the Internet on a more informal.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Brazilian Waxing At 2 Cm Dilation

miss the Old Bailey

These days I am suffering from what, for most of the English and tucked himself into his work life is no more than a nuisance annual already used to, but for me it's a new torture: preparing the statement of income.

Indeed, when I moved to England have not won enough to have to submit it, so this is the first time I have to do in Spain. I must admit that the tax office makes a great effort to make things easy for the citizen: you prepare drafts of the declaration, you send tax information, even lets you ask for an official appointment will make the statement for you. All this is fine if you settle your tax information put on the agenda FATHER, give the crank and get the amount of money you must pay. If you dare to scratch the surface a bit, making the daring to understand how to calculate those numbers, and dare you to browse the manual 2007 income among its 770 pages contain paragraphs as tight as this:
To ensure the same reduction of the tax burden for all taxpayers with equal status family, whatever their income level, the amount corresponding to the minimum personal and family income does not reduce the tax period to determine the tax base, but becomes part of the base to be taxed at zero rate.
As an Englishman would say, clear as mud . After spending a couple of hours I have been able to understand generally how the tax is calculated, experiencing one of my frequent moments of longing for the United Kingdom, where all of the paperwork was vastly simpler than in Spain.
In the UK, for starters, the statement of income (known as tax assesment or, more commonly, tax return) is required to submit far fewer people: unless you win a respectable amount of money, Be independent, or have income or expenses exotic that are outside the withholding system, it is more likely that you free. In the six and a half years I lived in the UK, I did not submit even once.

This is possible because to PAYE withholding system , whereby each month when you retain the full amount of the tranche of income tax you for and if for any reason (some extra income, perhaps) you pay more or less the following month retention is adjusted to compensate.

The tax itself has similarities with English. In the UK there are fewer sections and the top tax rate is lower (40% instead of 43%). One of the English income tax deductions star, home buying, does not exist in the UK (where, however, stamp duty equivalent to excise tax, is much more benign.)

income tax, incidentally, was recently the star of one of the worst political crisis that Gordon Brown is having to weather. A recent reform rearranged segments, harming millions of people with low incomes. The danger of a Labour internal revolt forced the finance minister Alasdair Darling to step back and make changes to soften.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lung Cancer Spray Paint

tax code

Old Bailey is the name of the building that houses the Central Criminal Court in London, the most important of the courts that make up the Crown Court, one of the pillars of the justice system in England and Wales (which is separately from Scotland and Northern Ireland). Its jurisdiction is limited to the capital, although in rare cases also deal with cases from other parts of England.

Old Bailey is one of the leading British regular newscasts, but recently made headlines nicest grounds of serious crimes are tried in it. From April to Query Internet summary file educated from 1674-1913. I had a look at random with a few search terms and the result has been very interesting and even sympathetic to the everyday nature of a lot of recorded crime, some of them quite minor. The language is fairly flat so it's not that hard to understand as one might imagine.

Link: Proceedings of the Old Bailey 1674-1913

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How To Inject Suboxone

Makeover British pockets Rivers of blood

In early April, Royal Mint, the Mint UK, unveiled the new designs soon decorate the backs of the coins circulation in the country and were chosen through public tender . I have not yet had in my hands, but seeing the images that are available on the internet my opinion is that new designs are great, elegant and very contemporary look. Much more beautiful that the euro coins, whose face is vulgar and tasteless common and national sides which generally do not show great aesthetic ambition (of course, not Spain).

New British coin designs have raised some controversy. Many Welsh people have been annoyed at not finding any symbol of your country in them. This is because the new coins are decorated exclusively with the British coat, which is not present any evidence of Wales itself. Previously, two-pence coins bore the Prince of Wales feathers and some pound coins were decorated with the dragon.

Others have lamented the disappearance Britannia, the country's female allegory whose presence in the English coins dating from the seventeenth century, and until now decorated the coins of 50 pence.

More information: Coins of the pound sterling (Wikipedia)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How To Keep Ladies Genital Clean

Next twentieth day of this month will be twenty years that the Conservative politician Enoch Powell uttered in a hotel in Birmingham, with activists Tories, his famous speech known as "Rivers of Blood , one of the most important in recent British history.

In the speech, with clear racist overtones, Powell denounced the generous British immigration policy in those years, which placed few obstacles to the arrival of citizens of Commonwealth countries . Predicted a catastrophic future where "in twenty years the black man will take under his whip the white man", and quoted a line from Virgil's Aeneid, "Wars, horrid wars, and the Tiber foaming with much blood I watch the " would end up giving names to his address.

The speech was very controversial, and fulminant Powell was sacked from his post as defense minister in the shadow by Conservative leader Edward Heath. However, a large proportion of the population sympathized with their ideas, and received numerous expressions of support, including a dock strike, 1000 of which went to London to express their disagreement with his dismissal. Over the years, British political culture, Powell became the paradigm of xenophobic dark side of the country. Today, the figure only openly claimed by the extreme right.

Enoch Powell was a peculiar character. He had a great learning and prodigious intellectual capacity, which helped him to become professor of Greek at the University of Sydney with just 25 years. In World War II rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. After his discourse again hold high position in the Conservative party. I finally abandoned in the mid-seventies, to protest the entry of the United Kingdom in the European Economic Community. He ended his political life in Northern Ireland Unionist MP.

More :
Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech (Telegraph) , Obituary of Enoch Powell (The Guardian) , Rivers of Blood speech (Wikipedia)

Monday, April 7, 2008

6 Month Old With A Cough

fever promotions in the daily press seems to be a phenomenon that affects all of Europe, I guess because of falling sales. But while in Spain are the endless fashion stamp cards to buy DVDs or electronic gadgets, are more inventive in England: The Guardian decided to accompany today's edition with a free gift of cabbage seeds.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Aqua Tech Power Filter

cabbage Cut it loses crown Pinta

On my last trip to England a few weeks ago, making the obligatory visit to the pub, I noticed with some surprise that the rim of the glass that served me my beer was gone the traditional drawing of the crown which was used. Instead I found the European symbol "CE" accompanied by a cryptic set of numbers and letters.

I've been researching and it seems unless is the result of a European directive on measuring instruments which came into force recently. I also learned that the crown symbol dates from 1699, when it was used as a label certifying that the recipient has the volume regulation. The cartoon, until recently, was accompanied by a number identifying the inspection office has verified compliance.

Strangely, I have not found much echo in the mainstream media on the replacement of the crown at the "CE" (which, incidentally, finally I know what this means Conformité Européene). There is mention of it on the BBC , The Independent , and in rather more furious, of course, the Daily Mail , the ultraconservative newspaper lost no opportunity to enter the cloth against the abuses of Brussels, real or invented.

This time, however, I can not help feeling some sympathy with those who mourn the loss of the crown. This cute little detail decorated many drinks during my years living in England, and is certainly much more picturesque than the dry seal European bureaucracy.

More information: Why do
pint and half pint glasses in pubs Have A crown and a number on Them (The Guardian)
, Imperial pint Loses ITS crown (Pub Philosopher) , EU stealing the crown of the great British pint (Daily Mail) , Brewers battle to save Crown mark (BBC) , Brewers petition Blair over EU's move to decrown pints (Independent)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Why Nadi In The Kundli Should Not Match

More on

Yesterday I was with the desire to put more things on Delia. Here's a video taken from its golden age in TV, which explains how to prepare a very popular English dish.

can find more recipes here and here.

It is also interesting that other video, in which Delia gives free rein to his passion for football in a game of Norwich:

Monday, March 17, 2008

Octinoxate Facial Products For Pregnancy

Delia Smith Delia traps

One of the latest sensations in England has been the return of Delia Smith. Delia is the matriarch of all television superchefs: before Jamie, Nigella, Ramsay and Rhodes, there she was, back in the eighties, teaching a whole generation of British cooking. His personal style is the no nonsense : teach conscientiously, no frills, how to prepare simple dishes .

had a fairly modest origins. He finished high school without obtaining a diploma, after which he began working in London as a hairdresser. Inconsequential jobs was followed until he began working in a restaurant as a cleaner first and then as a waitress. Then began to frequent the reading room of the British Museum, where he studied recipes and their interest in the kitchen.

filed by chance contact with a literary agent who got him a job in food column in the Daily Mirror, with which viceeditor married soon after. In 1971 he published his first book appeared two years later starred its first program on television. It was however the back of the BBC program Cookery Course, that which made her one of the most famous of the country. At the end of the 90 consolidated his stardom with the program Delia's How to Cook , whose books sold millions accompanying copies. Delia retired from television in 2003, after which its most prominent public work was the support given to the Norwich football club, which owns a majority stake.

such withdrawal has turned out not to be definitive, and Delia has returned to Olympus meteoric popularity with a new BBC program that began airing last week. And not without controversy: his new book, How to cheat at cooking (the same name as the first published, and it takes weeks in bookstores selling like hotcakes) has raised quite a stir. The British palate, at least outwardly, has evolved considerably since those days in which Delia taught viewers how to cook an egg. Now people are familiar with olive oil, organic products, feta cheese and balsamic vinegar. Delia's new book, perhaps as a reaction to excesses of culinary snobbery, offers cooking shortcuts such as using canned beef or frozen mashed potatoes. This has shocked many people, and some commentators have accused of wanting to sabotage the newborn like the British for good food proposing a return to pre-fabricated foods.

not appear that these criticisms will make much of a dent in the enormous popularity of someone who already has secured his place in the history of British popular culture of the twentieth century. As has happened in the past, the new TV series and the publication of his book have brought to surface again Delia effect: sales of products and utensils recommended she have soared across the country.

More information: Delia
Smith on How to Cheat on Cooking (Telegraph)
First, take your frozen mash (The Guardian)
official website of Delia Smith

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Enlarge Maxx Cock Growth Ordering

Wash it piggy

Golfing is fun in England do not usually get that when Saharan air rains leave everything lost, but as is common in Spain also found cars who would not hurt a visit to the carwash.

When encountering a car like a civic duty compels him to write a funny message. In Spain usually be of the "Wash it dirty." In England, a country with a more refined sensibility, have a more subtle humor. The most common theme often I wish my wife Was this dirty , ie "I wish my wife was so dirty (in the sexual sense, of course). Since then, allows for variations ( my girlfriend, or the folksy my missus).

Other more harmless Graciet usually also available in white (where the car is white), but there are people who really makes efforts to be witty, as in the picture above. Golfing is fun .

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pioneer Dv-220v Unlock

Fried egg (fried egg), hash browns (potato pancakes fried), sausage patties (sausage patty), mushrooms (mushrooms), bacon, grilled tomato (grilled tomato), black pudding (blood sausage) and bread.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Good Cruising Spas In Vegas

Sunday Breakfast What drive? Pulling a sickie

In England it is quite common to find road vans and trucks with a rear bumper that says "How's my driving?" "Well driven?" or a similar sign with a phone number. The idea is that if people can call to complain to the company by antisocial driving one of their drivers, they will be encouraged to move cautiously and courteously.

This all sounds reasonable enough, but being English as they are, it was inevitable that takes it a step further. Although many of these stickers are initiated by the company owning the vehicle, there are at least a couple of organizations you can join so you can manage the system, collect calls and communicating incidents. One of the most widespread precisely called "How's my driving" , and is recognized by its distinctive yellow and black symbol of a triangular shape.

2275948463_820e154e5d_o That's "what about driving?" is a good example of practice that would not make sense to implant in Spain, where driving like constipated ogre is the norm. People what they would do dip into the phone at the wheel and call in time to drop a good word or two thick. However, a couple of months ago I was surprised this van was carrying a sign that other similar but more tedious. See, see (click on photo to enlarge, the blot on the number added).

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Cruissing Areas En Manhattan

yesterday Did you stay at home and pretending you did not go to work sick? According to a study published a few years ago (which I have not found a trace on the internet that may not exist), the first Monday in February in Britain is the biggest day of absenteeism throughout the year. That is why this day is known lately humorously as the National Sickie Day . You may have regarding the Saddest Day of the year , the saddest day of the year, which falls on January 26 and was also recently discovered.

" Sickie" is a slang word quite nice. expression used to pull / throw / chuck a sickie , refers to the practice of missing work or illness alleging false. Last year a study sponsored by the CBI British employers revealed that 12% of work absences due to health were false [the study arrived at this figure by a rather dubious method: asking many entrepreneurs thought absences were feigned sickness].

Besides potentially interested surveys, the sickie another interesting element of the British labor folklore. As always, the British have not only a concrete expression to talk about this phenomenon but it appears quite frequently in newspaper articles .

Links: National
sickie day
The art of the sickie (BBC)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

How Much Do Servers Make At Bonefish Grill

Hand of God

Tassotti What do you think? If you do not know football is most likely that you may have no idea who I'm talking about. Tassotti is the Italian national team player, in the final minutes of their quarter-final between Spain and Italy World Cup 1994, Luis Enrique gave him a nudge in the area (video ) that left him bleeding . This aggression should have been penalty, to which Spain could have tied the game he was losing, but the referee did not see and Spain was eliminated.

I may be wrong, but I doubt many people this story will continue to lose sleep. In England, however, such things are taken far more seriously. This week the tabloid The Sun , one of the country's best-selling daily, published an interview Maradona in which the player apologized for the first time the goal of the famous "Hand of God" (video ) that marked England's quarter- Mexico World Cup final 86 and removed them. In England national team are taken much more seriously than in Spain, and this episode in their sporting history is still part of people's memory, while the news of the alleged apology (well watered) has had some resonance in several serious media as Times or the BBC.

course, the likes football Maradona is huge Tassotti that of making the episode of the Hand of God continues to be remembered (even outside of England), but what amuses me is that, after more than twenty years, the British continue to hurt injustice that sport.

The Sun to interview Maradona

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Steps To Number Lock Vip Elanza

The charge of the Light Brigade

Today I learned something interesting: the character who starred in one of the most spectacular military events in British history issue is the same that gave its name to cardigans.

I'm talking about James Brudenell, the seventh Earl of Cardigan, and the famous historical fact I speak of is the load the Light Brigade. This happened can be seen as one of the largest samples of courage or, at the same time as one of the most spectacular examples of military incompetence. Took place on October 25, 1854 as part of the Crimean War, the first major conflict in which Britain participated since Napoleon, and that faced this country, France, the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia against Russia because of a dispute over control of the Holy Land.

The particular episode took place on October 25, 1854 during the Battle of Balaclava. In one of the sets, the Marshal Lord Raglan, commander of allied forces wanted to prevent the Russians appropriated artillery pieces belonging to a position that had recently captured. To this end, through Captain Nolan, sending the order to the Earl of Lucan , commander of the cavalry, to send their units to prevent it.

What Raglan did not know was that the only guns that could be seen from the position of Lucan were the bulk of the Russian batteries, on the other side of the valley. Therefore gave the order to Lucan Cardigan, who was in charge of the Light Brigade, that took some six hundred seventy of their horses and charged against this position, which was located about a mile away. Cardigan

obeyed the order and, at the head, rushed to the load through the valley. Russian batteries, firing from the front and sides, heavy casualties perpetrated in the contingent of cavalry, which however failed to reach its target and penetrate Russian lines. Cardigan, however, to the gross inferiority of forces, was forced to withdraw. Of the hundred-odd initial troops, returned to riding only a few hundred. About 120 died, a similar number were wounded and the rest had to return on foot.

Three weeks later, the event was published in The Times by William Howard Russell , One of the first war reporters. Although the number of casualties was not so high (a fraction of the tens of thousands of deaths suffered by the allies during the war), the spectacular nature of the blunder raised a great interest and controversy in the British public. The poet Tennyson would ensure that the military exploits became legend with his poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade " but in a less heroic vein, both Lucan and Raglan were accused of being responsible the disaster on the assumption of an order blindly clearly irrational and suicidal. Nolan, who died in the course of shipment, also was identified as the culprit for failing to transmit the order correctly.

model was discredited aristocratic army, the officers, who traditionally had been haven for those who could afford the huge amounts needed to maintain his post, was accused of incompetence, arrogance and contempt for human lives of the troops. It was also interesting to note that during the Crimean War when Florence Nightingale became famous for his fight to improve conditions for British war casualties.

The Earl of Cardigan, the protagonist of this story, also has its place in history as one who popularized jackets of the same name. Interestingly, there is another piece of coat whose name is due to these historical events, but only in English. I speak of balaclava, which is what the British call the mask.

More information:
The Charge of the Light Brigade (In Our Time, BBC Radio 4) ,
Charge of the Light Brigade (Wikipedia in English ; in English) , Why the charge of the Light Brigade Still Matters (BBC) ,